Monday, 28 May 2012

Atlast The Chaos

Life seemed like too much bumpy and doomed for quiet sometime, whatever happens didn’t fit into the right slot .The mid twenty crises is hitting hard and each blow is immensely tormenting. Working days are too risky that each day u had to prepare for a dangerous cliff dive obviously with no life guards watching’s not true that there are no life guards at all..They rather enjoy sitting back and laugh at the big crash we make. Mind was not stable that the problems pile up all day and the solutions are always not found. Each day u feel like you have the most horrible day compared to anyone around and the next day comes up breaking your own records for the most number of troubles.You feel like you have never worked this hard in your whole life while ur boss trashes you telling what you comeup is not even half what is expected.While all your collegues snaches the so called well deserved designations and honours ,you are still stuck up in the same old pit hole you ever belonged. Being single is no more a style’s becoming a liability and the whole department of match making is partially or completely delegated to the retired parents who at one point becomes all panicy.All your friends are getting married and u are getting rejected each day by the so called eligible bachelors and even a onetime popular one like you dreams of being a saint.The weekend hangouts for a movie or mall is less more exciting and more like a routine.You have Your apartment used to be the shelter for your worries, but now you live like a ghost with no familiar face to chat with. For all your friends have either moved away or got married.At nights either you skim through the channels one by one ,having got the full control over the remote you dont feel the happiness you used to get while you sat down watching your friend's favourite channel rather than yours. All of a sudden all the decisions u made seems like the biggest blunders and the life stretches u to the extend..Then it happens..a voice from inside ...a sudden intuition and u take the risk to step out of the routine and give a try to the butterfly effect ..The chaos effect that at last gives you the peace of mind.

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